A message from our CEO/President
Hello! Thank you for choosing American Food Network (AFN).AFN has been growing at an incredible rate, and with the assistance of our customers and suppliers, has delivered high-quality products for over 7 years.
We have been in the ethnic food industry for the last 30 years and this experience has helped us establish an efficient and productive team. Whether you are a new customer looking through our products, a supplier looking for new potential opportunities, or an existing customer, our wide range of products and services will accommodate your personal needs.
Our innovative approach toward our customers and suppliers, the way we value responsibility and integrity, and our determination in remaining true to our authentic culture, all have been important aspects of our success in this industry.
My team and I work hard to deliver our customers the best quality products and services on time, and I am proud of the way that we continue to dedicate our efforts to improve and shape our company to be the best it can be.
We are confident that you will enjoy our products and services! If you have any comments or questions, please reach out to us here and we will respond to you as soon as possible.
Best regards,
Mohammad S. Khan
CEO & President